This was just a day after 13 were gunned down in Binghamton, New York by a murderer who reportedly ‘hated America and talked about assassinating the President’ while his former co-workers felt that someday he might ‘come in mad one day and shoot people.’ These shootings were preceded by a month of shootings including eight shot dead in a North Carolina nursing home, five in a Santa Clara, California shooting, four police officers in Oakland and ten in Alabama. The gun lobby’s rhetoric has consequences. Today, we have seen how profound those consequences can be.
In Pittsburgh on Saturday, three police officers were murdered, reportedly by an assault-weapon wielding man shooting ‘hundreds of shots’ who apparently believed the gun lobby propaganda that an ‘Obama gun ban’ would lead to his ‘rights being infringed upon.’
After each horrific shooting, some leaders in Washington have said the solution is to do nothing, simply continue to enforce the existing laws, just as we have been doing. The gun lobby, meanwhile, calls for weakening our already paltry laws to get more guns to more people in more places. It is time for the gun lobby to stop stoking fear among gun owners with false claims about the government. It is time for the gun industry to stop capitalizing on those ginned-up fears to spread weapons of war among the public.
“We have a gun crisis in America. As important as the economic crisis is, the right to be safe at home and work and play needs at least as much attention from our policymakers as the right to economic security. It is time for leaders in Washington to drop empty platitudes after each horrific shooting, and instead do what they're paid to do: show backbone, and enact reasonable laws to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people. At the very least, require Brady background checks for all gun sales; restrict military-style assault weapons to the military and law enforcement and help law enforcement crack down on corrupt gun sellers. What we’re doing now is not working.
An exciting new chapter for TED
4 weeks ago
With 400,000 criminals with badges protecting the government of the U.S.S.A (United Socialist States of America, all we need is 399,997 MORE bullets!!! Its the cops who protect the laws that take away YOUR constitutional rights. They are no longer a policing authority but a "Paramilitary organization," for you Lefties that is a quote from several cop aquaintances of mine. Let the new Cival War to take back a republic built on Freedom start!
Fact: Gun laws only affect people who obey laws. Criminals, and those that are commiting these crimes with illegal guns are no affected by gun laws, they dont get their guns through the proper legal channels. All gun laws do is make it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns in order to protect ourselfs. Its like makeing everyone walk through a metal detector into a large room, but allowing criminals in the back door unchecked. The way to prevent these pointless shootings is to get the "illegal" guns off the street as well as the criminals. Not punish those of us who follow the laws.
There are never any calls for gun control when cops murder citizens. Plus Obama, his Zionist chief of staff, and his attorney general are all gun grabbers so at the very least gun owners have a reason to be paranoid.
To prove to us that you are not a hypocrite, let's see some of your blog posts calling for automobile restrictions when people die in car crashes, or your calls for an overhaul of the pharma industry as thousands more people die from pharmaceuticals that die from gun deaths.
We'll be discussing this issue of gun control on News Talk Online on Monday April 6 at 5 PM New York time.
Please go to my blog, and click on the link to the chatroom to join in the conversation and sound off.
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